Yes on 6: Build a New Fire Headquarters

Text for question 6

Shall the City of Medford be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bonds issued in order to pay costs of constructing a new Fire Station Headquarters to be located at 120 Main Street in Medford, Massachusetts, including the payment of all costs related to designing the project, equipping and furnishing the project, site improvements, and all other costs incidental and related thereto?

YES on 6 will allow Medford to issue a bond to pay for the construction of a new, state-of-the-art Fire Headquarters to bolster our public safety services. Once the bond for construction is repaid, this temporary property tax increase would expire.

This will provide $30 million for the design and construction of a new Fire Headquarters at 120 Main Street. This temporary increase of about $2 million per year to our tax bills will pay for the project’s construction bond.

A new Firefighter HQ will enhance safety and response times for our community and ensure our firefighters have a state-of-the-art headquarters.


Yes on 7: Fund Schools & Street Repairs