Yes on 7: Fund Schools & Street Repairs

Text for Question 7

Shall the City of Medford be allowed to assess an additional $3,500,000 in real estate and personal property taxes for FY2025 general operations of the Medford Public Schools ($3,000,000), including but not limited to funding costs of teacher(s), literacy coach(s), behavior specialist(s), administrative assistant(s), and nurse(s) positions, and for regular facilities maintenance, and for FY 2025 general operations of the Department of Public Works ($500,000), including but not limited to additional staff for road and sidewalk infrastructure repair, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024?

YES on 7 will prevent significant budget cuts to Medford Public Schools and replace expiring funds used to temporarily stabilize this year’s budget.

It will create a permanent street and sidewalk repair crew in the Department of Public Works to help address the city’s $100 million+ repair and maintenance backlog

Additionally, it will replace the one-time federal pandemic aid funds used to stabilize the Medford Public Schools budget for this school year and help avoid drastic cuts to the arts, athletics, K-12 classrooms, mental health supports, maintenance, and technology.

To properly fund Medford Public Schools and street repairs, question 6 will provide $3.5 million per year to fund Medford’s streets and schools; replace one-time funds used to stabilize this year’s school budget. Ensures we can prevent cuts to the arts, athletics, K-12 classrooms, mental health supports, maintenance, and technology replacement; and guarantee regular maintenance and operations for the Department of Public Works and creates a dedicated road crew to address our streets and sidewalks.


Yes on 6: Build a New Fire Headquarters


Yes on 8: Strengthen Our Public Schools