Yes on 8: Strengthen Our Public Schools

Text for question 8

Shall the City of Medford be allowed to assess an additional $4,000,000 in real estate and personal property taxes for FY 2025 general operations of the Medford Public Schools to create a high school schedule that increases access to arts and vocational programming, expands classroom instructional opportunities, and for classroom teacher and paraprofessional compensation for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024?

YES on 8 will expand vocational programs and increase student access to the arts by giving us the funding to pay for the new programming and staff to help students succeed, fix the school schedule at all levels, and increase educator and paraprofessional compensation to ensure living and competitive wages.

This will strengthen Our Public Schools by providing $4 million per year to invest in our schools; change school day schedules at all levels to increase access to the arts, core curriculum, and vocational programming; ensure living and competitive wages for our teachers and paraprofessionals; increase stipends for advisors and coaches; provide more resources to support educators and professional development; and expand transportation services for students and families


Yes on 7: Fund Schools & Street Repairs